Precision air conditioners
of the largest European manufacturing company Climaveneta are not well known in Russian
Federation but at the same time they respond at a high level to all air conditioning
needs of High-tech applications that require precise control of environmental conditions
in order to guarantee correct operation and high reliability.
The new high-efficiency air conditioner ACCURATE adds the finishing touch to the already prominent presence on the world industrial air-conditioning scenario. It has been designed to satisfy the conditioning requirements of technological rooms, offering features that make it suitable for all the various applications in daily use and from which we demand utmost reliability. ACCURATE has an intelligent electronic heart that allows it to keep a constant control over all the operating and environmental parameters of the site. The ACCURATE electronic unit is open and configurable to specific user requirements both in site and particularly in the factory with dedicated customisation.
Environmentally friendly refrigerant R410A is used in conditioners with remote condensers.
All conditioners are equipped with centrifugal fans but also they can be installed with electronically commutated ones.
ACCURATE air conditioning units are available with different air flow configurations for air intake and delivery; the main difference is found in UPFLOW and DOWNFLOW units.
ACCURATE series can be equipped with such BMS-systems as Modbus SNMP-TCP/IP, Lonworks, Bacnet, Metasys, Trend.
The ACCURATE range (5-20 kW) is an ideal solution for providing qualitative environmental protection in small areas with low and medium heat load.